Monday, February 15, 2010

Out of it

Have you ever listened to these Christian songs about how God can fix it and get you through it (no matter what the IT is) and bring you out a brand spanking new person on the other side of any trial? If you are a Christian, I am sure that you have heard and enjoyed many such have I. But lately every time I hear these songs I think to myself, "This guy (or girl) can not possibly have gone through any such trial. They obviously have never felt the way I feel right now. They have no clue what they are singing about!" Have any of you ever felt that way? Okay, maybe you have never said it aloud, but have you ever thought it?
Well, not so long after I had this angry thought, The Lord spoke to me. He said, "Had they not gone through a trial, there would have been no song."
I guess they do know what they are singing about after all. The guy (or girl) behind that microphone has been through their share of tough times. And out of the raging storm came a song; A song about how God is always faithful to His word and to His children. He is not a man that he should lie. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us... even in the midst of the toughest trial. Even when we can't hear Him or see Him or feel Him in anything, He is ALWAYS there. Sometimes He is our silent strength, but He is always our strength.

Just so you know....I am expectantly awaiting my very own song. I pray it comes soon.
Trusting in Him,

1 comment:

  1. Your song will come Shirley; of that I have no doubt. Just remember the deeper the darkness of the tunnel, the brighter the light shines at the end of it. Love ya! ~ Wesa
