Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Coffee with my Father

Are you a coffee drinker? I am. I jokingly call myself a "serious coffee drinker" because my travel cup can hold almost half the amount of my coffee pot. It's usually the only cup I drink coffee out of, whether I'm on the go or not. It's awesome! It holds a LOT. It has a good tight fitting,closable (is that a word?) lid so that it is hard to spill. I love my cup. I love my coffee even more. I HATE starting my day without it. It seems that they never go right unless they are started with a hot cup of coffee. Can anybody our there identify with that?
Wouldn't it be great if we felt the same way about God's Word and His presence and His communion with us? Wouldn't it be awesome if the first thing we did each day was to run to God the way we run to our coffee makers. Some of us (me) set our alarms to go off early just so we can make sure to get the coffee in us. I wonder how my life would change if I made the same effort to get His word in me. I wonder how your life would change?
Today I encourage you to run to God. Don't panic... I'm not asking you to give up your coffee time. But why not sit down and share it with your Father. I think I will.

Trusting in HIM,


  1. Oh, hit me where it hurts! I have one of those cups. Can't go to sleep unless I know for sure the pot is set to finish brewing before I get up. Thanks for the push. :)


  2. Lisa,
    Trust me, it hit me first.
    God bless you Lisa. Thanks for your comment. Come back again soon!
    Trusting in Him,
