Thursday, September 9, 2010

I know what you are like!

I ran across a passage today that was very encouraging to me.
I know what you are like! But I will heal you, lead you, and give you comfort, until those who are mourning start singing my praises. No matter where you are, I, the LORD, will heal you and give you peace. (Isa 57:18-19)
Did you get that? He says, "I know what you are like!"
That could be a scary statement were it not followed by the word "but". That small word is really a very big deal! Sometimes it makes all the difference. God says, "I know what you are like! But I will heal you, lead you and give you comfort..." He knows I am a sinner. He knows I mess up all the time. He knows I am a failure. He knows about that one thing that I know I shouldn't do but keep doing anyway. He knows just what I'm like. And you know what? He loves me anyway! He knows what I am like and He still promises to heal me and lead me and comfort me...and not just a little either! He promises to do those things for me until my mourning turns into an uncontrollable urge to sing His praises!
Verse 19 promises this, "No matter where you are, I, The LORD, will heal you and give you peace"
It doesn't matter where you are with God right now. There is a way to get where you need to be. Believe His words. Know they are meant for you. Wait for them to happen in your life. I promise it will happen.
Be encouraged with me today!
Trusting in HIM,

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